Deep Water | Summary| CBSE
The author had an aversion for water since his childhood. When author was three or four years old, his father took him to beach in California. He hung on to his father. But, the waves knocked him down and swept over him. He was frightened and waves created a fear in author’s mind. He decided to learn to swim at ten or eleven years old, in pool at Y.M.C.A in Yakima. A big eighteen-years-old boy threw the author into pool. The author thought that when his touched bottom of the pool, he would make a jump upwards and would came to surface. But, when he went down, nine feet seemed like ninety to him. When his feet touched bottom, he came up rather slowly. Have You Read? Lost Sp ring Whenever, he opened his eyes, he saw nothing but water. He was suffocating. He became panicky. He tried to cry but no words came out. His legs seemed paralysed. Instead of coming up, he went down and down. A great force seemed to pull him under water. Only his heart showed that he was alive....