Deep Water | Summary| CBSE
He decided to learn to swim at ten or eleven years old, in pool at Y.M.C.A in Yakima. A big eighteen-years-old boy threw the author into pool. The author thought that when his touched bottom of the pool, he would make a jump upwards and would came to surface. But, when he went down, nine feet seemed like ninety to him. When his feet touched bottom, he came up rather slowly.
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In order to overcome his fear, the author went to Lake Went worth in New Hampshire. He dived off a dock at Triggs Island. He swam two miles across the lake to Stamp Act Island. Thus, finally he was able to conquer his fear of water an swimming.
It conveys a deep meaning that there is peace in death and terror in fear of death. It also conveys that one should not accept defeat and if one tries one can conquer one’s fear through sheer will and determination.
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