The Tiger King | Summary

Jung Jung Bahadur  also known as Tiger King was Maharajah Of Pratibandapuram. The astrologer spoke out that the child born under this star would one day have to meet it’s death.  At the moment, a great miracle took place. The child,  who was only ten days old began to speak. He asked astrologers to predict manner of his death. The chief astrologer was wonder struck and said that child would be killed by a tiger.  At this infant let out a terrifying growl and said, “Let Tigers Beware! “ 

The tiger king | summary |Vistas

Since,  there was innumerable tigers in Pratibandapuram. As in as,  the astrologer prediction reached the Maharaja’s ears;  he decided to kill all of them so that his own life could be safe.  After he killed first tiger,  he became excited and called state astrologer and showed him dead tiger. Astrologer told the king that he might kill ninety nine tigers in same manner but he must be very careful with the hundredth tiger. Once there was crisis and the Maharajah was in danger of losing the throne.

 A high-ranking British officer visited Pratibandapuram. He was very fond of hunting tigers. More then killing a tiger,  he liked to be photographed with tiger whom he had killed.  But,  Maharaja refused to grant him permission. Then officer said that he only wanted to be photographed with dead tiger.  But, King did not agree even to that proposal . Because he had prevented an officer from fulfilling his desire,  Maharaja was in danger of losing his throne. The King got fifty diamond rings from British Jeweler in Calcutta. He send these to officer’s wife. He expected that she would select one or two rings and return the rest,  surprisingly she kept all of then. But crisis to his throne was averted. 

Devan kept Tiger which had been brought from the People’s Park in Madras and kept hidden in house. At midnight, he and his wife put that tiger in a car and took him into jungle where king was camping. As soon as,  Maharaja shot tiger,  became very happy. 
The King saw a wooden tiger and decided to give it to his son on his third birthday as a gift.  The skin of wooden tiger was rough and was covered with slivers. One of the slivers pierced the King’s hand. By next day,  wound became infected.  Soon,  the infection spread all over his right arm. Three surgeons performed operation upon him. But, the King died. In this way,  hundredth tiger took King’s life. 
Destiny plays a vital role in a person’s life. Nature takes its revenge through natural disaster ,i.e., earthquake, famine,  drought and global warming, etc. Same way by killing so many tigers;  king thought to disapprove astrological prediction. The 100th tiger took it’s revenge. The story gives a strong message that one cannot evade death. Man is mortal and is bound to die the way God has willed. Humorous secret – everyone has to die one day. 

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