What Is Economics? | CBSE

What is a Economics?
There are answers like,
Google says - "the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth."
Economics||amritybhav|amritybhav.blogspot.com|CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

Wikipedia says -"Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics focuses on the behaviour and interactions of economic agents and how economies work." 
economics|amritybhav|amritybhav.blogspot.com|CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

Economics refer to the rationale management of scare resources in such a way so that economic welfare can be maximised. An individual maximises its satisfaction, A producer maximises its profit and Government maximises social welfare.
microeconomics||amritybhav|amritybhav.blogspot.com|CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

Economy refers to a system spread over a geographical area, where we study how people are earning their livelihood.

There are three types of economy:
three types of economies||amritybhav|amritybhav.blogspot.com|CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

1) Mixed Economy: It refers to such an economy where solution to central problems are found partially by Government and partially by private sector. E.g.: India.

2) Market Economy: It refers to such an economy where solution to central problems are found by market forces of demand and supply. E.g.: USA.

3) Centrally Planned/ Social Economy: It refers to such an economy where solution to central problems are found by Government only. E.g.: North Korea. Social justice is given higher priority than profit maximisation. 

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  1. Will this be continued to a series?

    1. Thank You for your comment. Yes, it will be a series and next edition will be released soon.

  2. Hey,
    Nice Work

    1. Thank You Sir/Ma'am for your appreciation.


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