Coordination And It's Features| CBSE

Management as a Science:
Science is a systematised body of knowledge  that explains certain general truth.

Basic functions of science:
a)      Systematised body of knowledge: Scientific Principles are based on cause and effect relationship.
b)      Principles based on Experimentation: Scientific Principles are first developed through observation and then tested through repeated experimentation.
 c)       Universal Validity: Scientific principles have universal validity and application.
 Management||amritybhav||CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi
Management as a systematised body of knowledge with its own theory and principles that have developed over a period of time; based on repeated experiments and observation which are universally applicable but they have to be modified according to the given situation.
As the principles of management are not as exact as principles of pure science, so it may be called an inexact science.
Management is an inexact science. It is neither as precise nor as comprehensive as pure science like physics or chemistry.

Management as an Art:
Management as an Art | Amritybhav||amritybhav||CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

Art refers to skilful and personal application of existing knowledge to achieve desired results. It can be acquired through study, observation and experience.

Basic features are as follows-

 a)  Existence of Theoretical Knowledge: Any art (like dancing, acting,etc.) presupposes existence of certain theoretical knowledge.

b) Personalised Applications: Art is a very personalised concept since the use of basic knowledge differs from person to person.

c)Based on continuous practice and creativity : Art involves continuous practicing of existing theoretical knowledge. It also involves creativity.

Management is also an art as it satisfies all features of an art. In management, also a huge volume of literature and books are available on different aspects of management. Every manager has his own unique style of managing tings and people. He uses his creativity in applying management techniques and his skill improve with regular application. 

 Have You Read?
Management | Objectives | Levels

Management as a Profession:

Management as a profession | amritybhav||amritybhav||CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

Profession means an occupation for which specialised knowledge and skills are required and entry is restricted.

Main features are as follows-

a)      Well defined body of knowledge: All professions are based on a well- defined body of knowledge.
b)      Restricted Entry: The entry in every profession is restricted through examination or through some minimum educational qualification.
c)       Professional Association: All professions are affiliated to a professional association which regulates entry and enforces a code of conduct.
d)      Ethical Code of Conduct: All professions are bound by a code of conduct which guides the behaviour of its member.
e)      Service Motive : The main aim of profession is to serve its clients.
Management has a well-defined body of knowledge comprising well defined principles base on variety of business situations. There is no restriction on anyone being appointed as manager in any business. It is not compulsory for managers to be member of associations such as AIMA. The basic motive of management of an organization is to earn more profit.
Therefore, management is not fully fledged profession because it does not meet exact criteria of profession.

Coordination||amritybhav||CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

It is a process by which activities of different departments are synchronised to ensure unity of action. It is not a separate function of management ; but it is that force which binds all other functions and called essence of management.
It ensures that organisational objectives are achieved with minimum of conflict.

 Importance of Coordination:

a)      Growth in Size – It is necessary to ensure that all individuals work towards common goals of organisation. But employees may have their individual goals also. So, it is important to harmonise individuals goals and organisational goals through coordination
b)      Functional Differentiation – There may be separate departments of production, finance, etc. All these departments have their own objectives, strategies, etc. So, there may arise conflict between them. It is needed to ensure unity of action by acting as a binding force between departments and to avoid conflicts between them.
c)       Specialisation –Organisations needs to employ a number of specialists. Specialists usually think that they only are qualified to judge and decide. They do not take advice or suggestions from other members of the organisation. This often leads to conflict between them. It is required to avoid conflict between specialists and other members of the organisation.


Coordination| Minions||amritybhav||CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

a)      Integrates Group Efforts- It gives common focus to group effort to ensure that the performance is according to the plans.

b)      Ensures Unity of Action- By acting as a binding force between departments, it ensures that all action is aimed at achieving goals of the organisation.

c)       Continuous process- It begins at planning stage and continues till controlling. Top Management plans for entire organisation , accordingly, organisational structure is develop and staffed. Directing is required for execution of plans. Controlling corrects deviation between planned standards and actual performance.

d)      All Pervasive –It is required at all levels of management and in all departments. It integrates the efforts of different departments and different levels.

e)      Responsibility of All Managers – All levels of management need to coordinate with their subordinates to ensure that organisation’s policy are duly carried out, to ensure that work proceeds according to plan.

f)       Deliberate Function – Cooperation in absence of coordination may lead to wasted effort and coordination without cooperation may lead to dissatisfaction among employees.

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