The Invisible Man | Chapter-Wise Summary


The Invisible Man||amritybhav||CBSE| Boards Exams| EConomics Notes class12|Graduation|DU| Aantrikvachi

5. Mrs. Bunting suddenly, wakes up by hearing the open and close sound of the door. When she was sure about the sound , she arouse her husband Mr. Bunting. He hear sounds coming from his study and then hear violent sneeze. Mr. Bunting picks up his poke and comes down without making any noise. He hears some snapping sound and sound of Fraser being opened. Through the crack he can see drawer being pulled but there was no one. Soon he hear chink of money. He rushes in but finds no body. The money is gone but invisible. 

6. Mr. Hall went upstairs to get some “sarsaparilla” to cover taste of watered down beer. He notices bolt of front door open and stranger was not in his room. He called his wife. Before they are able to understand any further, they see bed-clothes gather themselves into a bundle and tossed at them by some invisible force. Suddenly,  furniture of room seems to have gone mad. Everything seems to be alive all of a sudden. The legs of chair are struck against Mrs. Hall’s back. She assumed that stranger has put ghost into her furniture. So, she invites Sandy Wagers,  village blacksmith, who is supposed to be an exorcist. 

7.Mr. Hall and Mrs. Hall hear about Burglary that had been committed last night at Vicar’s house. There is argument between Mrs. Hall and Stranger about outstanding bills and stranger says that he’ll make the payment immediately. Mrs. Hall become suspicious as he was waiting for money order. This makes her think that stranger was behind burglary at Vicar’s house; stranger looses his temper and starts unveiling or taking off his clothes and become invisible. Everyone comes running to Inn after listening whole episode. At last,  Constable Jagger’s comes to arrest the stranger.  The stranger hits him so badly that he becomes unconscious and he escapes.

8.Gibbons,  amateur naturalist ,relaxing out on big open downs. It’s perfectly lonely place and suddenly he hear someone coughing, sneezing and swearing. He looks around but finds no one.  He got frightened and runs home immediately. 

9.Thomas Marvel is an eccentric bachelor and a local tramp. He is homeless,  jobless, and wanderer; wearing a shabby hat. Invisible Man threw things at Marvel to convince him and explain him need of Marvel’s help. He knows Marvel is also an outcast and promises him to reward him for helping him. 

10.The village people of Iping were in panic after the encounter with Invisible Man but soon they went back to their encounter with Invisible Man but soon they went back to their festivities of Whit Monday. Mr. Marvel enter Iping Village and moving suspiciously around Inn. Huxter see this new stranger waiting outside window and has a bag with him; three priceless books of Invisible Man being handed over to him. Then, Mr. Huxter start yelling, “Thief! Thief! “.He follows him but something trips him and is knocked over. 

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