The Invisible Man | Summary

11)      Mr. Cuss and Mr. Bunting are looking through Invisible Man’s thing but they do not understand, what is written as they all in coded languages. The Invisible Man manages to enter the room through Marvel’s help.  Suddenly, an unseen force grabs both of them by neck and begin pounding their heads on the table. He asked them about what they were doing with his belongings and demand his books, and some clothes also.

The Invisible Man |Chapterwise Summary

12)      Mr. Hall and Teddy Henfrey were in hotel bar and hear some strange noises from room and start investigating. Mrs. Hall thinks they are just spying on for fun. Suddenly, hear yelling of Mr. Huxter and everyone starts running after him and tripped same as Huxter was. Now,  Cuss came out of room and explain the whole incidence about Invisible Man snatched away his and Bunting’s clothes;  cuts telephone wires and break every window.

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13)      The Invisible Man upset as the news of episode will be published in papers and everyone would come to know. So,  he does not want Marvel to leave at any cost;  he has been using him as luggage carrier.

14)      Marvel arrives in Port Stowe resting on bench outside the town. An elder mariner came and sits there; begins up the topic of Invisible Man to talk with Mr. Marvel. Mariner believed that the story is real because names and details were also mentioned in newspaper. Marvel begins saying that he knows somethings about this Invisible Man, but suddenly he interrupted by pain and mentioned it as toothache. Further,  he changes his statement by concluding that this all news is a hoax. Then,  he starts moving or being pushed by a unseen force.

15)      Dr. Kemp was overlooking the town of Burdock while he was in his studies. Suddenly, he spots a short,  fat man running down hill as fast as he can go. Marvel was running “heavy ”as if his pockets are “full of money”. People around him react differently as Marvel’s reaction was one of terror. People start running and bolted their house.

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