The Last Lesson | Summary| Flamingo| Class-12

The Last Lesson |CBSE|Class12|Flamingo||amritybhav

It is the set in the days in Franco-Prussian war in which France was defeated by Prussia led by Bismarck. The French districts of Alsace and Lorraine went in Prussian hands.

Franz feared that he would be rebuked for coming late. Secondly, M.Hamel had said that he would question students on the participles. 

Have You Read?

The Tiger King

The Invisible Man

For a moment, he thought of running away and spending day out of doors. The birds were chirping at edge of woods; in the open field back of sawmill Prussian soldiers were drilling.

Franz wanted to enter school unnoticed. He  hoped that in noisy confusion of school, he would be able to get to his desk without being seen. But, when he reached school, he was surprised to find that there was a perfect calm. His teacher even do not rebuke him. The whole class seem strange and silent. 

The old people of village had come to attend the last lecture as a mark of respect to their language and their teacher for his faithful service of 40 years.

M.Hamel put blame on parent’s ignorance, student’s attitude and himself for sending students to water the flowers and himself going for fishing.

The message conveyed by the story – It is not good to carry ones pride in one’s language too far. Though it is good to feel proud of one’s  language , culture and tradition. At the same time, one must also respect other linguistic minorities. The author highlights the tendency of people to postpone the things till tomorrow.

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